Friday, November 5, 2021


Today's reading: Habakkuk

"For the time will come when all the earth will be filled, as the waters fill the sea, with an awareness of the glory of the Lord." Habakkuk 3:14 NLT

We just wrapped up Breast Cancer Awareness month. We have had Mental Health Awareness month. There is Alzheimer Awareness month. Native American History Awareness month. Vision Health month. 

Days and times set aside to highlight and bring focus in on different topics, needs, health problems and situations.

As a Christian I'm reminded that on a daily basis, no matter what I am going through, I have been put on earth to bring awareness to the glory of the Lord.

Every day of my life is Awareness of God's Glory Day!

In everything I say. All I do. Whatever it might be I put my hand to. How I react. In the hope I hold to.

The entire world isn't noticing God--but I want to make sure the part of it I'm currently in hears me honor Him in how I live and breathe.

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