Thursday, May 30, 2024

Today's reading: Psalm 63-65

"...From where the sun rises to where it sets, you inspire shouts of joy." Psalm 65:8 NLT

There is no where you could go where God does not warrant praise!

One might reside in the most luxurious of palaces or the most destitute of slums, and He will still be seen and glorified!

One might hike to the highest mountain peak or be tethered to an IV pole in a hospital bed, and He will still be seen and glorified!

One might walk the fields of a newly planted crop that is sprouting and shouting with life or crawl through the driest, hottest, most uninhabited of deserts, and He will still be seen and glorified!

One might walk through the corridors of a nursery filled with pink, wrinkled newborns or through the hallways of a nursing home filled with gray, wrinkled veterans of life, and He will still be seen and glorified!

One might spend a lifetime on earth or an eternity in heavenly realms, and He will still be seen and glorified!

Where will you see Him today? In what environment will His presence bring about His glory and your praise?

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