Wednesday, October 23, 2024


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 25-28

"Uzziah built fortified towers in  Jerusalem at the Corner Gate, at the Valley Gate and at the angle of the wall. He also constructed forts in the wilderness and dug many water cisterns, because he kept great herds of livestock in the foothills of Judah and on the plains..." 2 Chronicles 26:9-10 NLT

Forts in the wilderness? Did you catch that? Forts in the wilderness.

I don't know about you, but I never intend to be in a 'wilderness', literally or spiritually, long enough to put up a permanent structure!

To me, a 'wilderness' is something you pass through. Something you trudge through as quickly as you can. Something you visit infrequently and for very short amounts of time. Something given as a punishment, discipline or tough love.

But in Uzziah's wilderness, he built forts, dug wells and kept flocks.

He didn't just disregard this barren place. He didn't just refuse to live while he was there.

He didn't lose his Jesus-ness while he was in this uncomfortable, less than civil place.

He didn't hold his breath and pretend where he was wasn't where he was!

He made the best of it. He used the resources provided to him. He left it better than he found it. So that the next person visiting the 'wilderness' would have a safe place to hole up and clean water to drink. Maybe he even put up some signs pointing those who followed him to the next watering hole or how many more miles to safety.

Uzziah made the wilderness work for him--and in turn for any who might follow in his footsteps.

Are you in a 'wilderness'?  What exactly are you doing while you're there?

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