Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 1-5

"King Solomon and the entire community of Israel sacrificed sheep and oxen before the Ark in such numbers that no one could keep count!" 2 Chronicles 5:6 NLT

The scene that day had to be spectacular.

The excitement in the air had to be palpable.

The noise had to be deafening.

The worship had to be so thick, as my Grandma would say--you could stir it with a stick.

The sacrifices, the sheep and oxen, were being sacrificed right and left. Not in a willy-nilly fashion but in a somber, dedicated and honorable way. Shepherds were willingly giving up their prized lambs to the Lord. Farmers were offering their 'work horses' in honor of the God who held their hearts.

The people's awe of Him flowed like the blood from the sacrificial animals.

The people's reverence of Him built in crescendoes of praise.

The people's thanks to Him was seen on the faces of the worshipers.

And God accepted it all. He received it in His heart. He watched as His people were doing what He created His people to do!

What sacrifice might you make unto the Lord today? He generously accepts far more heart-held things than sheep and cattle. 


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