Saturday, October 9, 2021

Today's reading: Acts 5-6

"But as the believers rapidly multiplied, there were rumblings of discontent..." Acts 6:1 NLT

Oh, friends...

When our hearts and minds get off the subject of God's love for us, Jesus' death on the cross on our behalf and the Holy Spirit's willingness to guide us, we allow minor inconveniences to become walls that keep unity from flourishing in the church.

Do what David did, take your emotional upset to the Lord.

Do what Daniel did, pray all the more.

Do what Job did, trust God in the hard, unlovely and never-asked-for-it stuff.

Most of all, do what Jesus did--love them. Don't just tolerate them, love them.

Easier said than done? Then repeat the examples set by David, Job and Jesus. And keep repeating until God changes your heart or changes the situation.

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