Thursday, March 6, 2025

Today's reading: Genesis 36-39

"But Reuben came to Joseph's rescue. Let's not kill him, he said. Why should we shed his blood? Let's just throw him alive into this pit here. That way he will die without us having to touch him..." Genesis 37:21-22 NLT

How easy it is to validate sin in our life.

How quickly we grade sins, rank sins, evaluate sins based on the guilt incurred by committing them.

Whether Joseph had been killed OR placed in the pit as he was, sins were committed against him--and against God.

We would never kill someone, but we gossip about them.

We would never refuse to give a person a cup of cold water, but we withhold telling them about our Jesus.

We would never steal from a friend, but our hearts sometimes covet to the point we rob them of the blessing they have been given.

Sin is sin.

Little while lies, tall tales and blatant untruths...

Disregard for another, disrespect and murder...

There is little difference between 'killing them' and putting them in a pit.

One might keep our hands clean, but our hearts are dirtied all the same.


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