Today's reading: Isaiah 23-28
"The earth staggers like a drunkard. It trembles like a tent in a storm. It falls and will not rise again, for its sins are very great." Isaiah 24:20 NLT
Watching the news, for me, causes a whole lot of questions to rise up in my head and heart.
I don't understand how so many people groups can be so filled with hate. Why can't we all just get along?
I cannot fathom how it works out that some folks have more than several generations of their family could ever spend, while another hasn't two cents to rub together.
I can't believe what is considered right, tolerable, what is given permission to continue.
But when I read this morning's verse, I figured out the 'why' of it all...
It's to point us towards a Savior!
Our sins, and are they heavy, are too, too much for us to carry.
They are more than we could ever dig ourselves out of.
They are punishable by death--just what Jesus did for us!
So many cannot see that yet.
But for those of us who do, we must continue praying that God be revealed in this world.
In the heartache. In the injustices. In the wrong being called right. In the lives that are destined for an eternal hell, when they were created for heaven.
For God so loved the world that He sent his one and only Son!