Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Today's reading: Numbers 33-36

"They left the mountains east of the river and camped on the plains of Moab beside the Jordan River, across from Jericho." Numbers 33:48 NLT 

Let's review...

An enslaved people, having just been granted freedom, set out on a very long journey to a land promised to them by God.

They grumble, they mumble, they complain and they mess up.

They sin, they repent, they sin some more, they repent--and still God keeps His hand of protection and possession on them. They are His and the land they are traveling towards is their gift.

They sojourn a long time and finally come to the promised land.

As they stand on the plains of Moab peering into their new home, they see two more obstacles--the Jordan River and Jericho.

One might think this river wouldn't throw up red flags to a crowd who watched God open up a path in the Red Sea, but it does.

How will they cross it? How will these land people, who probably cannot swim, ever make it over to the other side? How will they have the energy after 'all this' to cross a river?

And if and when they do, what will they do with Jericho?

A walled city. An armed city. An impending city. A looming city. 

Maybe, just maybe, you feel like they did...

You can almost see your prayers answered. You can almost taste victory over a sin that's held you captive for too long. You are on the cliff of truly believing and ready to take a jump into God's arms--

But a river of doubt and a fortress of impossibilities are staring you in the face.

Here is a single sentence that may very well help you continue on:

The river parted and the city fell.

God's not one who will only get us part way. He doesn't dangle our freedom and His gifts before us like a carrot, always just out of reach. 

God follows through on His promises, no matter what it takes to make it happen.

That's what He did for the Israelites, that's what He will do for you!

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