Thursday, October 21, 2010

Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 1-2

Solomon, the richest ruler in the world, must have been a home-maker.

Oh, 'they' say he's a he-man, someone showered with affection by the hundreds of his wives, waited upon hand and foot by his many servants, a scholar extraordinaire. But who else could complete understand and give honor to the words...

"Everything is meaningless..." Ecclesiastes 1:2 NLT

"...It has all been done before..." Ecclesiastes 1:9 NLT

"...And in future generations, no one will remember what we are doing now." Ecclesiastes 1:11 NLT

Yes, as a wife, mother, housekeeper, cook, taxi driver, laundress, farmer and work-outside-the-home executive, those are the same--very same words I've said repeatedly. Several times today in fact!

But he's right--everything is meaningless, unless done to glorify God!

It has all been done before--and He'll allow me the strength and might to do it all again, if I decide to lean on Him again!

And if I do it the right way, with His love glowing in every deed, future generations might not remember what I did--but they'll have come in contact with Who I did it for!

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