Today's reading: Judges 12-16
"One day when Samson was in Timnah, he noticed a certain Philistine woman. When he returned home, he told his father and mother, I want to marry a young Philistine woman I saw in Timnah." Judges 14:1 NLT
Just this morning...
This very day...
I saw it.
I saw where Samson's story went wrong.
His saddening downfall started within the first 2 words he spoke in this narrative of his life...
I want.
It was downhill from there. The crossing of tribal lines. The falling head over heels with the wrong gal. The deception. The heartache. The tryst with Delilah. The capture. The imprisonment. The collapse.
And it very well could be for us, too.
If we want something God doesn't want for us.
If we go after something God doesn't intend for us to have.
If we seek things God doesn't intend for our lives to hold.
If we desire our way above His.
Those two words can lead to turmoil and chaos in our lives.
But if we changed the wording...
If with our heart we choose to say, I want what God wants for me...
Horizons broaden. Heights are limitless. Promises are upheld. Miracles are observed. Lives are lived to the full potential of the One who created them. Hearts are changed. Eternity is secured.
Oh, that we would choose what He wants, rather than what we want!