Thursday, November 4, 2021


Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 5-6

"Throughout their lives, they live under a cloud--frustrated, discouraged and angry." Ecclesiastes 5:17 NLT

Do you remember the Winnie The Pooh character, Eeyore?

The timid, forlorn, tail-tacked-on, donkey. 

The one who, in several instances, walked around with a raincloud over his head.

I see human-Eeyore's too often to count.

Doom and gloom litter their speech. Fear and anxiety wreak havoc on their thoughts. Dread infects every plan they attempt to make. Mad at the world. They never expect anything good to happen to them. A permanent scowl is etched into the lines of their faces.

It has to be a very sad life to live. It is certainly sad to watch. Even sadder to be at the receiving end of their conversations.

It is not a life intended for God's children!

If you have Eeyore tendencies, I ask that you spend some time seeking God's change in your life.

If you know an Eeyore, I ask that you make every effort to bring some sunshine into their lives.

Know this: living under the rainbow of God's promises will beat living under a cloud of defeat every time!

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