Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Today's reading: Psalm 42-44

"I do not trust my bow; I do not count on my sword to save me. It is you who gives us victory over our enemies; it is you who gives us victory over our enemies; it is you who humbles those who hate us. O God, we give glory to you all day long and constantly praise your name." Psalm 44:6-8 NLT

All day long? Seriously? Not just before I munch my fries? Not as I'm scrambling around looking for my keys? As I frantically await a call from the doctor's office? As I endure a bad day? As I struggle, scrap and fight to keep my head above water? As I sit defeated beneath satan's thumb?

Shouldn't praise for my Lord and Savior be on my lips at all times? Throughout the day? Doesn't He warrant me staying up a little later during the evening to sing His praises? Pushing aside worries as I focus on thanks?

Twenty-four hours in any given will you spend it?

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