Sunday, September 8, 2024


Today's reading: 2 Timothy 3-4

"For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to right teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever they want to hear." 2 Timothy 4:3 NLT

I pray you pray.

Not just over your meals.

Or for those who are sick and in the hospital.

Or for our country.

All needful, very needful.

But I pray you pray for your pastor to be bold, to be outspoken, to be led by the Spirit and to present to you and your congregation of believers right teaching from the Word of God.

There are a whole lot of preachers out there--there are fewer who preach from the Bible, what the Bible says, in ways God leads to people who are assembled by the Lord.

So, pray for your pastor.

You don't want, don't need, won't grow under, one that preaches whatever it is you want to hear. 

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