Thursday, May 16, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 57-59

"For your unfailing love is as high as the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds." Psalm 57:10 NLT

God's faithfulness reaches to the clouds--that's quite a distance!

But maybe, just maybe, you are wondering if it reaches far enough for your 'this'.

'This', that's heavy on your heart.

'This', that's got you awake at night, churning in your belly and distracted from all you are called to do.

Is His faithfulness enough to reach into, over, around and beside your 'this'?

Can He handle it?

Is He aware of it?

Will He do something about it?

Without even knowing what 'this' might be in your head and heart, I can say 'YES'!

Yes, His faithfulness will be seen in 'this'. If you look closely enough. If you determine to see it. If you keep your eyes focused on Him and not 'this'.

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