Thursday, April 18, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 45-47

"The Lord Almighty is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress." Psalm 46:7 NLT

Ever stopped to consider that the same God who rescued the Israelites from the Egyptians watches over you?

The same God that brought Daniel out of the lions' den, without a tooth mark, cares for you?

The exact same God who brought three Hebrews boys out of a furnace, not even smelling like smoke, knows the path before you?

The exact same Mighty Warrior who has protected Israel across the years, spanning page after page of the Bible, who continues to intercept missiles today over the land He placed His name upon--also guards and protects you?

If you haven't, maybe you should think about it for a while. Ponder the love it takes for such devotion. Consider the level of strength and fortitude the Lord God has and uses for our benefit. 

He is here among us and He is our fortress!

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