Sunday, October 5, 2014

Today's reading:  Acts 8-10

"...the gifts and sacrifices that the priests offer are not able to cleanse the consciences of the people who bring them."  Hebrews 9:9 NLT

The writer of Hebrews is talking about why Jesus had to come to earth to save us--because the priestly system covered the outward acts of worship, but didn't deal with the heart issues.

We can do just about anything inside our church, in the name of service and worship, but our hearts and souls still be so cluttered with distractions and muddied with sin that the service is of no use to God.

The pastors across the country today can preach their hearts out.  They can quote directly and with God's blessing from the Word.  The teachers, nursery workers and janitors serving in our modern day temples can go about their jobs, singing to the tops of their lungs--and still have hearts that are left unchanged by God.

Will it happen to you today?  

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