Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Today's reading: Joshua 11-15

"But Moses gave no land to the tribe of Levi, for the Lord, the God of Israel, had promised to be their inheritance." Joshua 13:33 NLT

Oh, didn't it sound good when the tribe of Levi stood and agreed to the terms of the land allotments.

Didn't they sound religious and godly in accepting God as 'their portion'.

Weren't they holy in their sentiment.

I just wonder...

Were they enough like us that after they thought about it a while...

After they watched the other tribes for a few weeks...

After they caught a glimpse of the land the other tribes inherited...

If they started to chafe?

If they started to question?

If they began to think maybe, just maybe, they had been shortchanged?

Oh, they would never have put it that way--who would? 

But didn't they deserve...

Didn't they have rights...

Weren't they as hard a worker as...

Weren't they just as much entitled to...

Makes me think this morning as I ponder all God has given me and all He is to me, do I consider Him to be enough?

Do I see the blessings He has bestowed upon my life as blessings or are they merely stepping stones to something better, bigger, brighter?

Back to my real, niggling question--Is He enough?

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