Thursday, June 24, 2021


Today's reading: Proverbs 7

"Love wisdom like a sister..." Proverbs 7:4 NLT

If you don't have a sister, you are missing out on one of life's finest blessings.

I, myself, have been gifted with three of the best!

So when I read this chapter in Proverbs, I giggle. This chapter points directly to my 'gals'.

You see, the writer discusses making sure that in life you have wisdom in your life as close to you as a sister, or a close family member, so that when choices come your way, you will always make wise decisions.

Or to put it in words you might use on a daily basis...Call up your sister!

The ones who will tell you like it is.

The ones who will listen intently to the problem at hand.

The ones who love you unconditionally.

The ones who know your weaknesses, your shortcomings, your buttons.

The ones who know your previous potholes and detours on the path towards godliness.

But most importantly, the ones who will not withhold or sugarcoat the truth as God gives it!

You've got to have sisters, whether by blood or by God's grace.

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