Monday, September 13, 2021


Today's reading: Numbers 21-24

"Then the Lord caused the donkey to speak..." Numbers 22:28 NLT

I don't know about you, but I am often flabbergasted by the movement of God's hand.

Not that He moves, because He promises to do it.

Not even His timing, because to Him there is only His time.

But how He chooses to do a work.

To the amazement of men and women.

To the point at which there is no doubt as to it being Him.

With a flourish of His signature--or with the quiet falling apart of what had been building in the shadows.

His ways astound me.

Who He chooses to work through.

The circumstances He sets in place.

The peace that He showers us with through His moving.

A talking donkey is surely a rare occurrence in the history of mankind, but God's work is not if we just choose to look for it!

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