Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Today's reading:  2 Samuel 20-24

"He reached down from heaven and rescued me; he drew me out of the deep waters."  2 Samuel 22:17 NLT

Ever had one of those days?

The rainclouds follow you--but it never rains.

The tentacles of doubt wrap themselves around your heart--but never quite cut off the circulation.

The vines of tempation grow at an outstanding rate--but never choke out what you know to be right.

The minutes slipped by as the tasks piled up.

The bills continued to arrive in the mailbox.

The house fairy had not shown up to straighten up the mess of things left as we headed out the door to work.

Yesterday was one of those kinds of days.

It never rained.  I never snapped.  I didn't fall.  I never gave up...but how close was I to any of those outcomes.

He reached down for me.

He bloomed an outstanding lily for me to gaze upon.  He fingerpainted the sky with tufts of the whitest clouds.  He directed my eyes to the laughing freckles of a little boy.  He helped me locate items for a healthy dinner in the freezer and pantry.  He provided a few minutes to visit with family and friends. 

God threw me several life-preservers throughout my day.  I believe He'll do the same today!

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