Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 10-14

"When the Israelites in the Jezreel Valley saw that their army had been routed and that Saul and his sons were dead, they abandoned their towns and fled. So the Philistines moved in and occupied their towns." 1 Chronicles 10:7 NLT

Saul, the king of Israel, and his sons lay dead on the battleground of the Jezreel Valley.

Saul's followers melted in fear. They shook in fright. They felt the desperation of having placed all their trust in one man--the man that now lay dead among the troops.

This fright caused the Israelites to give up. To give in. To give way to the enemy to come in and take everything they had been given by God.

That's what happens when we have the wrong king on the thrones of our hearts.

Saul should have never been revered. Respected for the position God placed him in, but not revered.

Saul never should have been worshiped. Honored for the role he placed, but not worshiped.

Saul never had the ability to protect the people. He was the strategist and commander of the armies, but not able on his own.

I have to admit, it's got me thinking about the kings I'm placing in my life.  

What have I improperly voted into the office of my heart's hope?

What am I allowing to occupy the throne of my heart?

Whose allegiance am I leaning towards--or leaning on?

Why do I settle for depending upon anything or anyone other than the Lord himself?

God will not be defeated. God will not be displaced. God will not be routed. God will always be King!

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