Saturday, April 6, 2024


Today's reading: Jeremiah 7-11

"A time is coming, says the Lord, when I will punish all those who are circumcised in body but not in spirit--" Jeremiah 9:25 NLT

Circumcision is a cutting away.

Physically, for men in Jeremiah's time, it was a ceremonial procedure done to 'mark' men as followers of the Most High God.


Spiritually it means there has been a 'cutting away' of sin in one's life. A decision to follow God's leading in all areas of one's life. A 'marking of the heart', of sorts.

As I am considering this morning the difference between physical circumcision and spiritual circumcision, I have to ask myself--Am I marked?

Am I marked as God's by how I live?

Am I marked as God's by how I speak?

Am I marked as God's by how quickly I obey what He asks of me?

Am I marked as God's by how I love those around me--the lovely and the unlovable?

Am I marked by God as I sing, allowing the words of worship to come from a heart of worship?

Am I marked by God as I choose to keep my nose in His Word so that I might grow to be more like Jesus?

Am I 'circumcised' in body and in spirit?

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