Friday, October 1, 2021

Today's reading: Jonah

"Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from inside the fish. He said, I cried out to the Lord in my great trouble, and he answered me..." Jonah 2:1-2 NLT

As a child I was intrigued by the great fish who swallowed the man who didn't listen to the Lord.

Any time the Sunday School teacher would bring out the flannelgraph or open the big picture Bible, she had my full attention.

My mind would swirl with the scene. My nostrils would fill up with the smells of the story. My eyes would attempt to picture what it looked like inside the belly of the fish.

But now?

Now, I'm caught up with verses like the one today--verses of hope!

No matter where I have chosen to wander...

No matter what poor decisions I have made...

No matter how high the stack of my sins piles up...

No matter the in-my-face fact that the mess I'm in is completely my fault...

God hears my cry for Him!!

Where I am.

Regardless of what I've done.

To this day, I love the account of Jonah.

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