Tuesday, October 19, 2021


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 25-28

"If you let them go with your troops into battle, you will be defeated no matter how well you fight. God will overthrow you, for he has the power to help or to frustrate. Amaziah asked the man of God, But what should I do about the silver I paid to hire the army of Israel? The man of God replied, The Lord is able to give you much more than this!" 2 Chronicles 25:8-9 NLT

How often do I, like Amaziah, throw 'but' into the conversation with the Lord?

I'd serve you Lord, but...

I'd do just what you ask, but...

I see that need You are showing me to help with, but...

I feel that twinge of conviction, but...

I know I'm harboring that grudge, but...

Yes, I agree that brother or sister of mine needs prayer, but...

I want to do Your will, but...

My list is endless. Our excuses are limitless. Our sad reasons for not following God wholeheartedly are abundant.

In Amaziah's case, his 'but' was because of monetary investments.

Mine might be personal issues, knowing too much about a fellow believer's history, hurt feelings, fear, being too busy doing good things or having the attitude of 'my way or no way at all'.

And for all these reasons, we still end with the words of the prophet...

"...The Lord is able to give you much more than this!"

Am I willing to settle for what I want when I want it according to what I can do for myself, or His vast storehouse of blessings?

What are you willing to settle for?

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