Monday, May 27, 2013

Today's reading:  Exodus 33-36

"So from the time they left Mount Sinai, the Israelites wore no more jewelry."  Exodus 33:6 NLT

Why no jewelry?  They exchanged looking good for God's presence.

You see, God had had it up to here with His children.  Moaning, bickering, disobeying and complaining.  He had told them He wouldn't go with them until He saw some changes.

To remind themselves of the changes they vowed to make, they left their baubles in their jewelry boxes.

Would you choose God over looking good?

Do you?

Will you stand out in a crowd of your peers, for the Lord?

Will you refuse to do certain, world-okayed, things because they're not right?  Even if everyone else is doing it?

Will you look different for the Lord?

Would you speak differently?

Would you spend, live, schedule your life differently just to have His presence with you continually?

Would you completely change your life and the life of your kids to obey Him?

Jewelry seems like such a simple it out, that's tough some days. 

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