Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Today's reading: Genesis 46:1-47:26, Matthew 13:24-43, Psalm 19

"Jesus also used this illustration: The Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast used by a woman making bread. Even though she used a large amount of flour, the yeast permeated every part of the dough." Matthew 13:33 NLT

Ever feel like a very, very tiny speck on this great, big, spinning green and blue orb?

Ever felt like the role you have been given is a very small one? One that may have been written just for you, but seemingly unimportant in the greater plot?

Felt insignificant in a world of folks who excel, exceed, express themselves and who live up to greater expectations than ever dreamed?

Those feelings are not from God.

God has placed you where He has placed you.

He has placed you when He needed you.

He has surrounded you with the folks who need Him to permeate their lives via you.

You have been hand-picked for this job. Selected from many millions of DNA make-ups for the task. Chosen to work where you work with the skills you have. Appointed and anointed to serve Him where He believes you will make the greatest impact. Created to serve in this capacity!

Like the small amount of yeast in a recipe of bread dough.

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