Sunday, December 25, 2011

Today's reading: Acts 27-28

"...I am bound with this chain because I believe that the hope of Israel--the Messiah--has already come." Acts 28:20 NLT

The chain Paul referred to was not a gold filigreed type wrapped up by your local jeweler. He was bound by prisoners' chain for having believed, and lived out the belief, of one little Baby born in Bethelehem.

Paul was willing to die. Willing to bear persecution. Willing to be shipwrecked, beaten, ostracized and convicted to proclaim the promises fulfilled in this Little One's birth, the miracles performed in His life and the power available through His death.

His faith was not just a pendant he wore around his neck as adornment or fashion--it went much deeper, higher, longer and farther than that.

What about yours? What does your life say about this Messiah who has already come?

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