Wednesday, April 6, 2022


Today's reading: Psalm 39-41

"As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord is thinking about me right now." Psalm 40:17a NLT

If I were to personalize this verse.

To re-write it, in a way.

To make it specifically mine--to the very dotted 'i' and crossed 't'.

It might read like this...

As for me, I have a laundry list of things needing done in my life. Mental breakthroughs. Physical touches. Emotional healing. Spiritual growth. A myriad of prayer requests. A heart full of burdens I keep taking to the Lord--and bringing back home with me. I have more I need than I could ever provide God.


But God is thinking about me right now. This very moment. While I am who I am, in what I'm in, needing what I'm needing, failing where I'm failing--not waiting for me to clean up my act.

In the heavenlies.

While enthroned with cherubim, saints and prophets of old.

As He maintains the tilt of the world, the change of the seasons and the beating of every heart He has created.

He thinks of me.

That is what keeps me going. Encouraged. Uplifted.

Even though I lack in so many areas, God thinks about me.

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