Saturday, June 29, 2024


Today's reading: Ezekiel 13-18

"For all people are mine to judge--both parents and children alike. And this is my rule: The person who sins will be the one who dies." Ezekiel 18:4 NLT

I don't know whose spiritual coattails you might be attempting to ride into heaven on...

Or who sins are such an embarrassment you feel even knowing them makes you unable to enter heaven...

The thing is, you will stand before God and give account for your sins, and they will stand before God and give account for theirs.

It will be personal.

It will be individual.

It will be specific to the soul and to the sin.

That's why it is of absolute importance that we each accept Christ as our personal Savior, having asked Him to forgive us of our sins and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us in all we do.

There is no group admittance plan based upon your church or your family. 

There is not card-carrying club you can be a member of that will allow you entrance.

There is no prayer someone can pray over you that will get you through the gates of heaven.

There is your prayer of salvation and there is mine.

You have your godly walk to walk and I have mine.

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