Friday, March 15, 2013

Today's reading:  Isaiah 56-61

"...Tell my people Israel of their sins!  Yet they act so pious!  They come to the Temple every day and seem delighted to hear my laws.  You would almost think this was  righteous nation that would never abandon its God.  They love to make a show of coming and asking me to take action on their behalf."  Isaiah 68:1-2 NLT

Could the same be said of me?

Am I gung-ho about getting to church, sitting under some great preaching, asking God's blessing on my life--and expecting my lifestyle to fall completely within the ranges I deem correct and comfortable?

Could I be as guilty as Israel?

Am I a Sunday and/or when-I-need-God-to-step-in kind of Christian?

Am I wanting His influence on my life to make me look good and feel good--or does it go deeper?

Am I living the Christian life or just wearing the t-shirt?   

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