Monday, July 22, 2024


Today's reading: Luke 23-24

"A signboard was nailed to the cross above him with these words: This is the King of the Jews." Luke 23:38 NLT

The simplicity, and the complexity, of the signboard of the cross has caused me to pause this morning.

The King James Version of this verse says Pilate had this signboard written in Hebrew, Greek and Latin so that all passing by Jesus would know who he was. Without a doubt. No wondering. No question.

Today the sign hanging on the cross might read this...

This is the King of the girl who got saved at age 7 at Union Free Will Baptist Church.


This is the King of the young wife who rededicated her life after her dad's accident.


This is the King of the new mom who found the Living God in the pages of her Bible.


This is the King of the gal on a little farm in southern Illinois whose fingers fly over a keyboard with excitement over what she wants to share with others about the Gospel.


This is the King!

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