Monday, August 5, 2024


Today's reading: John 3-4

"Then Jesus told her, I am the Messiah!" John 4:26 NLT

The Woman at the Well.

A whole lot has been said about her.

In books.

From the pulpit.

In Bible studies.

Behind her back.

This gal, until Jesus came along, had been waiting her whole life.


Waiting--for the people to accept her race.

Waiting--for the women of the town to receive her kind in to their circle.

Waiting--for the right fella to come along.

Waiting--for the final word on where to worship.

Waiting--for the Messiah.

Her wait was over--Jesus was in her midst!

What about you? Are there things you are waiting for? Things you are hoping will, 'complete', you? Are there still parts of you that are lacking? Still feel like you come up short in some area of your life?

Have you met Jesus?

You will find He is all you need!

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