Friday, July 7, 2023

Today's reading: Ezekiel 19-24

The phrase 'Then you will know that I am the Sovereign Lord' is repeated several times in these six chapters. Usually at the end of a solemn, tough prediction of judgement God has made against those who go against Him.

The final phrase, however, turns to this thought, 'Then they will know that I am the Lord'.

God's judgement on us is personal, but God's judgement on us is also used to show others the hand of the Lord.

Think of times in your life when God has had to put His foot down...the realization you came to, the sudden end you experienced to your thoughts of being in control, the discipline you received for disobeying Him--it taught you a lesson, didn't it?

Maybe, just maybe, it taught a lesson to those watching you live through it, too.

God's like that. Nothing is wasted in His hands!

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