Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Today's reading: Acts 4-6

"But if it is of God, you will not be able to stop them. You may even find yourselves fighting against God." Acts 5:39 NLT

Stop-to close by filling or obstructing; to hinder or prevent; to get in the way of; to close up or block off; to make impassable; to cause to give up or change a course of action; to keep from carrying out a proposed action; to cause to cease.

May I ask you to take a quick evaluation of your heart? Can I ask you to pray to pray about the following question? Won't you ponder what God's spoken to my heart--and apply it to your own set of circumstances?

All of us are in one, or more on any given day, of the following camps...

-I think I can stop God's plans.

-I think my lack of skill, abilities, training will thwart God's plans from coming to fruition.

-I think God's plans have nothing at all to do with me.

I'll be quite honest this morning and tell you, I've visited, staked a tent and camped out around each of these 'campfires'.

I've erroneously thought if I barreled ahead, God would soon catch on to my plan and follow suit--what a strenuous and tough time that was!

I've told God, yes spoken directly to Him, that what He was asking me to do, participate in, carry out, would be best suited in another's capable hands--He just laughed and continued to lay the ministry opportunity in my lap!

I've bought into my enemy's lies and believed, for short seasons, that I was nothing in God's grand scope of all He wanted to see done--then I realized the error of the lie, put Satan in his place and began once again to believe my Savior!

Where are you? Where are you currently setting up camp?

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