Saturday, July 2, 2011


Today's reading: Philippians 1-2

"It is right that I should feel as I do about all of you, for you have a very special place in my heart. We have shared together the blessings of God..." Philippians 1:7 NLT

Despite the fact there are several of you whom I have never met, we share common threads, common denominators, common themes in our lives...

...we've all gazed in awe at His production of a sunrise or a sunset.

...we've all marveled at the face of a child, the fingers of a newborn, the pictures from an ultrasound.

...we've all stared at the night sky, attempted to count the stars, shook our heads at the scope of it.

...we've all experienced a peace that passed all understanding.

...we've all bubble with joy at one point of our lives or another.

...we've all, oh I hope we've all, opened the gift of grace at an altar of salvation.

We're all alike, to some extent...or at least I hope we are!

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