Friday, July 8, 2022


Today's reading: Ezekiel 19-24

"...They repair cracked wall with whitewash!" Ezekiel 22:29 NLT

As I look around, I see a whole lot of whitewashing being done.

Laws are being made that aim to control gun violence. When in all reality, the issue isn't with the guns.

Motions are being overturned in regards to abortion. When, truth be told, it's not about the abortions at all.

Millions of dollars are being collected and distributed to help with drug and alcohol abuse. When, really and truly, the pills or powders or drinks aren't the real problem.

Groups are being formed to rally against human slavery. When the slavery issue isn't about, and never has been about, one person 'owning' another.

The 'whitewash' is covering up the real problem--a person's heart.

Heart issues lead people to kill others with guns. Or with knives. Or with vehicles. Or with bombs.

Heart issues lead people to devalue lives. Their own. Their child growing inside them. Their neighbors.

Laws and rulings and cardboard signs deal very, very little with the real issue. As a matter of fact, they merely slop whitewash over the top of it.

Heart issues need dealt with through God. Heart issues need dealt with individually before any group or community will be effected by it.

Heart issues need not be whitewashed.

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