Sunday, May 16, 2021


Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 11-13

"Three times I begged the Lord to take it away." 2 Corinthians 12:8 NLT

Three times, Paul? Only three times?

Is that all it your 'thorn' bothered you? 

I only ask because there are days when I beg God at least three times an hour to remove mine.

Days when it tightens more tightly around my throat, when it encircles my heart with greater strength than other days, when it give me shorter leash than at other times.

Times when it drags me deeper into the gutter.

When it takes me further into the pig sty filled with mud.

When it makes my mind wander to the farthest reaches of what I know to be true.

That's what my 'thorn' does to me.

And in those times I beg God to take it. To release me from it. For Him to remove it. To heal me of it. To completely change my tendencies. My personality. My addictive behavior. 

But, Paul, He whispers the same thing to me, too.

I am enough.

I am all you need.

Let Me show you what I can do through this.

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