Thursday, January 14, 2021

Today's reading: Job 5-6

"You, too, have proved to be of no help. You have seen my calamity, and you are afraid." Job 6:21 NLT

A whole lot of commentary, sermonizing and discussion has been afforded Job's ill-equipped friends.

They have been 'brought up on charges' and found guilty and quite lacking in their handling of their friend Job's tough time.

I'm not here to say everything they did was right.

I'm not going to even agree with their theology.

What I will say is this: we have all been in their shoes--scared.

They were afraid for their friend. Afraid it wouldn't end well. Afraid their words would be of no help. Afraid what they would have to offer would only add insult to injury. Afraid their friendship would only increase Job's burdens.

They were also scared for themselves. What if they got too close? What if the afflictions were transferable? What if there were guilt by association? What if there were lessons to learn and the good Lord decided they, too, looked like good students for the classroom of life?

Been there?

I have been.

When a family member gets a diagnosis.

When a friend chooses a new path.

When, out of the blue, a storm strikes and devastation is left to clean up.

Being scared will sometimes cause us to give wrong advice, unkind words of wisdom or to skedaddle when our loved ones need us the most--all because we are afraid.

Job's friends are prime examples of that.

Ask God to help you with your own fears when helping another with their problems--or you, too, might end up being like one of Job's cronies.

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