Today's reading: Luke 3-4
"Amazed, the people exclaimed, What authority and power this man's words possess! Even evil spirits obey him and flee at his command!" Luke 4:36 NLT
Maybe, since it's Monday, you are pumped up from a God-filled worship service yesterday.
Possibly you are stoked from some time spent in prayer and contemplation.
It could be that you are excited about the new mercies God has granted you this beautiful morning.
Or--you are flailing, down, defeated and burdened because you've forgotten that 'even evil spirits obey Him'.
It's something very important to remember.
It's life giving, chain breaking, door opening and spirit filling!
It gives potential back to a life bogged down, it provides hope in very dark situations, it offers grace upon multiplied grace!
When we pause to remember exactly who Jesus is and the power He possesses, we can be amazed, awed and full of anticipation!