Tuesday, June 15, 2021


Today's reading: 1 Kings 14-18

"So Elijah did as the Lord had told him and camped beside Kerith Brook." 1 Kings 17:5 NLT

God had told Elijah to go to the creekside and wait for the brook to dry up, for ravens to bring him food--one bite at a time and be prepared for His next instructions.

And Elijah did it.

Not only did he do it, but he camped out on what God said was going to happen.

Elijah set up camp.

This prophet pitched a tent and prepared to wait for God to do what He said He was going to do!

He positioned himself to wait it out, no matter how long it might take, for God's word to be fulfilled.

What an example for those of us who 'visit' God's promises.

For those of us who might hang His promises on our walls in an effort to let the world know we believe them.

For those of us who lift our hands and praise Him for them on Sunday.

For those of us who read about them in His Word.

For those of us who can write them out in a Hallmark card to hurting friends.

But camp out on them?

Believe wholeheartedly they will come to pass?

Know, without a doubt, they are going to happen?

Trust because He said so it is so?

Take it to the bank and write a check on it?

For goodness sakes, most of us don't even have a tent!

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