Sunday, April 28, 2019

Today's reading: Judges 6:25-7:25, Luke 18:18-43, Psalm 74:4-11

"We see no miraculous signs as evidence that you will save us. All the prophets are gone, no one can tell us when it will end." Psalm 74:9 NLT

Scholars believe this psalm was written by predecessors of David during the time when the Temple in Jerusalem was being destroyed.

God's Temple.

The one ordained and built according to His specifications.

The one where, in the Holy of Holies, God met with His people.

The people didn't understand how it could happen. They didn't see God stepping in and stopping it.

Maybe you've had an event in your life where you can relate.

A time when your dreams, you believe God-given dreams were shattered? A moment in time when you were blindsided? A phone call that up-ended your world? A chain of events far beyond your influence that affected you in a way that left scars?

Maybe you've been there.

Maybe you are there.

Friend, this exact moment in time...

When you don't understand...

When you don't see any glimmer of hope...

When you cannot hear God speaking words that encourage your heart or stop the chaos...

This is when our faith begins.

Faith is the evidence of things unseen.

It's when all we've said we believe about God is put to the pavement of our hearts and heads.

Faith only happens when we do not see.

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