Thursday, February 15, 2018

Today's reading: Leviticus 7-9

"Moses announced to them, The Lord has commanded what I am now going to do!" Leviticus 8:5 NLT

Commanded-to have directed authoritatively; to have exercised with a dominating influence; to have dominated as from an elevated place.

What a difference it would make in my life if before I did or said anything I, like Moses, stood and made this announcement...The Lord has commanded what I am now going to do!

Because it was true...

Because I had sought His counsel before muttering a word...

Because I was so in tune with Him that my reactions were merely responses to His leading...

Because He had complete authority over my, my plans, my ways, my attitude...

Because I placed Him in such an elevated place of importance in my life. Even above myself...

What a difference it should make, because as Christians-people who are proclaiming God as their leader, we are saying to the world, "What I'm doing is what God's told me to do."

Hmm, that's certainly something to chew on this morning.

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