Friday, February 22, 2019

Today's reading: Leviticus 13, Mark 1:29-39, Psalm 39

"Simon's mother-in-law was sick in bed with a high fever. They told Jesus about her right away." Mark 1:30 NLT

Straight to you, Lord, that's where I want to go when I discover a need, a problem, a hurt or a situation where I can't do a thing.

Straight to You.

Not to Google. Not to a trusted advisor. Not to my co-worker. Not to my friend. Not even to my pastor.

Straight to You.

Right away.

Before my mind allows the problem to be enlarged by my imaginations.

Prior to weeds of fear taking over and choking out Your promised hope.

In front of the common cures, holistic treatments, old wives' tales and remedies that can/should be administered.

Even in front of my own attempt to journal it out-- complete with a to-do list, an appropriate time table of events and a check list of my plans of how to fix it.

Straight to You.

Because only then will I be able to see it in focus. Be able to approach it with Your guidance. Minister to the need with Your love, Your compassion, Your power.

Only then will You tell me whether or not I'm needed to do something, or step back and watch You work.

I want to go to You with the problem, right away!

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