Monday, October 7, 2024


Today's reading: Acts 5-6

"Go to the Temple and give the people this message of life!" Acts 5:20 NLT

In thinking about God's message to Peter and the other apostles, I'm at first taken aback...

Of all the places in the city where the message of Jesus should be shared, God send them to the Temple.

Not the bars.

Not the houses of ill repute.

Not the drug-infested neighborhoods.

Not to the Roman parliamentary buildings.

But to the church.

To the place where life should be constant, consistent, overflowing and outstanding.

To the people who should be full of life, filled with hope and loving.

To the congregation of folks who should know the Truth, the Life and the Way.

I pray you had life spoken into you at your worship service yesterday. I hope God's Word was spoken to you, over you and into you. I trust that when you gathered with your family of believers, your battery was recharged, your excitement was energized and your burdens were lifted.

Because if you were filled with light, you will be able to pour it out into another! 

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