Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Today's reading:  2 Chronicles 1-5

"This will be a magnificent Temple because our God is an awesome God, greater than any other."  2 Chronicles 2:5 NLT

If you know much Bible at all, this verse may very quickly bring to mind another set of verses...

"Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God?  You do not belong to yourself for God bought you with a high price.  So you must honor God with your body."  1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NLT

Solomon wanted to build a grand tabernacle in order to rightly convey his feeling for the mighty God he served.

Should we do the same with out bodies?  The 'temples of the Holy Spirit'?

Oh, before you delete me, I'm not even talking about what we eat or what exercises we do, or do not do.

I'm talking about all the other trash around your temple.

Worry.  Fear.  Doubt.  Sin.  Bitterness.  Unforgiveness.

What's trashing your temple?  What's bringing down the value of your 'real estate'?  What about you, the real you, is making God, your Creator and Sustainer, look bad?

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