Monday, December 28, 2015

Today's reading: Genesis 1-3

"So God created people in his own image, God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27 NLT

I used to sew. I'd make my own clothes, stitch up curtains, I've made a few quilts, I even made my own wedding dress.

I usually had to have a pattern. If I wanted a skirt, I'd use skirt pattern pieces. If I wanted a blouse, I'd lay out the pieces required for a blouse. I couldn't mix and match the pieces and have it turn out as I would hope.

As I read today's verse and think about the new year fast approaching, I'm hopeful.

You see, it tells me that I am patterned after God.

In my heart I desire to be more like Him this year than last. I'm even beginning a few challenges, goals and resolutions beginning today (Monday) rather than wait until the new year begins later this week.

I am tickled to think that I'm already made in His image. I'm not a leopard attempting to change its spots, rather a child of God whose spots(sins) have been washed away--and any new spots covered under His grace as I attempt to live as I ought.

I was made to reflect Him.

I was created to be godly.

I was knit together in my mother's womb so that the world would see Him in me.

That gives me hope! Lots of hope! Enough hope to consider the task at hand not too large or unattainable!

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