Wednesday, November 17, 2021


Today's reading: Psalm 133-136

"I know the greatness of the Lord--that our Lord is greater than any other god." Psalm 135:5 NLT

I don't remember who exactly told me, but I have always remembered the phrase...'Watch the 'G', if you focus on the big "G"(God), you won't get tripped up on the little "g"s(gods).'

It's true.

For those of us who know the greatness of God, little gods lose their lustre.

For those of us who walk daily with God, little gods won't lead us astray.

For those of us who have had their lives reclaimed, restored, redeemed and renewed by God, little gods won't tempt us with their baubles and falsehoods, with their fleeting promises or their eye-catching baits.

Watch the "G", friends!

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