Today's reading: Jeremiah 37-41
"The Lord says: Do not fool yourselves that the Babylonians are gone for good. They aren't!" Jeremiah 37:9 NLT
Maybe you are wrenching your arm in an attempt to pat yourself on the back for resisting yesterday's temptation.
You resisted the slice of cake, you pushed away the cigarette, you declined an open door to walk through and share exactly how you felt--in no uncertain terms.
Maybe you turned the other cheek, denied your enemy a seat at your table or you smashed your finger with a hammer and your mouth only sang praises to the Lord.
Don't fool yourself into thinking that temptation is over and done with in your life.
It will return.
And when it does, it will probably bring friends.
It will be a bigger lure, a glossier view and a greater attraction every time it returns.
It will arrive when your guard is down, when you are the hungriest you've ever been or when your last nerve is frayed and exposed.
Expect it.
Anticipate it.
Prepare for it.
But don't fool yourself into thinking it's gone for good.