Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Today's reading: Song of Solomon 3-5

"...None can rival him." Song of Solomon 5:15 NLT

Rival-to be in competition with; to strive to equal or excel; to possess qualities or aptitude that approaches or equal.

What 'dog are you throwing into the ring'?

What skill do you possess that you're depending wholeheartedly upon?

What creature comfort are you leaning on as a security blanket?

What do you have today that you believe insures tomorrow?

If it's anything but God, it will fail the test.

It will soon be defeated.

It will be found lacking.

It will be come up short.

It will be down for the count before you know it!

God has no rival. There is nothing that can take His place. Nothing exists that can do what He does for you.

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