Friday, September 20, 2024


Today's reading: Proverbs 25

"Valid criticism is as treasured by the one who heeds it as jewelry made from finest gold." Proverbs 25:12 NLT

Ever been corrected? By a parent, a teacher, an employer, a fellow employee or a close friend, or the pastor as he presented his sermon?

How did you respond?

Did you blow up? Place blame? List a long line of excuses? Did their criticism, valid criticism, cause you to throw in the towel? Maybe you stuck your fingers in your ears and sang loudly, LaLaLaLa,

Or did you do as this wise proverb instructs and tie the correction around your neck like a necklace or around your wrist like a bracelet or around your finger like a ring?

Did you use the constructive criticism as an adornment to your life? An accessory? An enhancement to your spirit?

If you are blessed enough to have a friend who is willing to correct you when you are wrong (or approaching wrong at a high rate of speed), a pastor who will preach the Word of God in regards to a sin, or an employer who desires you to achieve --you are as blessed as a woman who owns a lot of fine jewelry!

Accept valid criticism as you would a tiny, black velvet box filled with ornamentation for your life.


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